Public Notices and Meetings


Blue Hill Bay Assessment Report In Ellsworth

Following 15 months of data gathering and public outreach, the draft Blue Hill Bay Needs Assessment will be presented for public  comment at the Ellsworth City Hall auditorium on March 11, 2013 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. The storm date will be March 14th-6pm. The report was prepared by the Hancock County Planning Commission and Barbara S. Arter Associates with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Maine Coastal Program, and Friends of Blue Hill Bay. 

The full report can be viewed at:  

After a series of outreach meetings in communities surrounding Blue Hill Bay the report will be finalized and will serve as the basis for further efforts to determine options for the Bay’s future.

Sheri Walsh, Administrative Assistant/Planning Technician, 207-667-7131,



Maine Maritime Museum

Bath, Maine, 207-443-1316

Events Scheduled:

Fishermen Poets –Poetry and Song,
March 28 at DiMillo’s On the Wharf, Portland Waterfront, 6:30–8pm.

41st Annual Maritime History Symposium, April 6, “Maritime Maine and the Civil War.” Pre-registration. 8am–5pm.



Changes To Maine Shrimp Trawl Fishery Only


The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Northern Shrimp Section (Section) voted to increase the trawl fishing days by two per week until the fishery closes when 85% of its total allowable catch is projected to be reached.  Accordingly, the Commissioner has amended DMR specifications to allow shrimp trawlers to fish on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, effective immediately, until further notice.

The trawl fishery quota remains at 539.02 metric tons as set by the Section on December 3, 2012. 

The change in trawl fishing days does not impact the trap fishery. In addition, the Commissioner has amended the hours for the trawl fishery to allow fishing from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. only.  This adjustment follows the recommendations of Maine Marine Patrol, in order to decrease the potential for gear conflict.

A summary as of February 8, 2013 is below. 

Trawl Fishery Specifications

• Vessels may fish from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday only.  Nets must be secured by 5:30 p.m. Fishing is prohibited on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

• Vessels may land once per calendar day only.

• Fishery will close when 85% of 539.02 mt quota is projected to be harvested.

Chris Vonderweidt, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Tel: (207) 624-6558